Saturday, January 28, 2012

Our Baby Girl Is Growing!

      Here are a few updated pictures of our growing baby girl! I finally look pregnant rather than just chubby!  With my tummy getting bigger, I'm thankful that my baby girl is growing healthy! One of my first graders at school tells me everyday "Mrs. Engel, your belly is getting bigger everyday!"  Another student told his mother that he had to be at school everyday to help me pick things up off the floor! Haha!

15 weeks pregnant

16 weeks pregnant

17 weeks pregnant

 18 weeks pregnant

19 weeks pregnant

20 weeks pregnant

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice!


     Boy, oh boy!  Baby Engel is a GIRL!  We were so excited to find out the baby's gender at a gender reveal party with our family and friends.  My mom, dad, and I planned a celebration with food and of course cake and ice cream!  The cake was the special part of the party.  On the outside it read "He or she...Open to see!"  When we cut into the cake, it was pink!  The cake would have been blue on the inside if it was a boy.  Of course, I had the ultrasound picture at the party just to confirm the cake color! I can't wait to start shopping for this sweet little girl!  I'm not sure Colby is ready for all this pink!  Now that we have a little princess, I guess I get promoted to Queen in the house! Actually, that might be Dakota!  I love my girls! Below is the ultrasound picture we saw at the gender reveal party. You can click the link to see a slideshow of a few pictures we snapped.  I'll post our photographer's pictures as soon as she finishes editing them.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

He or She? What Will It Be?

   Today was our 18 week check up with Dr. Benson.  He was great!  The baby's heartbeat was 141 bpm.  During the ultrasound, everything checked out healthy and strong. What a blessing!  We were really hoping that the baby would cooperate so we could find out the gender at our party this weekend.  On the way to the doctor, I ate chocolate and drank a coke. I wanted that baby dancing during the ultrasound!  Well Baby Engel did cooperate and the ultrasound tech said she is "sure, sure" of the gender. We'll find out this weekend at our baby gender reveal party with our family. We will be happy either way!  We're just so thankful we have been blessed with such a miracle. Like my mom and dad said, "God already knows what gender will be perfect for our little family!"

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

     Happy New Year everyone!  We know this will be one of the best years ever!  We can't wait until Baby Engel arrives! Only 2 more weeks until we find out if Baby Engel is a boy or a girl.  Mom, Dad, and I have been busy planning our baby gender reveal party!